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Image by Mesut Kaya

Meet TurboTongue.

Struggling to learn a new language?

Learn Languages Up To 20x Faster

With Effortless Passive Immersion.

Get Started in Less Than 60 Seconds - Cancel Anytime

Zero Studying Skills Needed

Works For All Types of People

Relaxed and Easy Immersion

Learn More In The Video Below And Sign Up For Free Today!

High Speed
Text & Audio


& Vocabulary




Language Learners

Love Using TurboTounge

See for yourself...

Jacob Kramer 
TurboTongue Founder and User

"After years of frustration with classes and apps and learning nothing...I was able to hold a conversation with my friend in Czech after just a week. This method of learning doesn't even feel like studying, and if you use it a lot you'll learn really fast!"

Headshot of Mid Adult Man
TurboTongue User

"TurboTongue not only helps you immerse yourself quickly, but guides you to reinforce what you're learning by reading, and then cement it by speaking to a native speaker."

Natural Beauty
TurboTongue User

"The hands-free aspect is really convenient. We didn't have to type or record anything when we learned our first language, so it makes sense that we can learn quickly without having to be tested on every sentence."

Get Started in Less Than 60 Seconds - Cancel Anytime
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So, Why TurboTongue?

Let's face it — learning a new language without immersing yourself is like trying to catch water with your bare hands.

That's Where TurboTongue Comes In.

TurboTongue is like a laser beam that downloads words and grammar directly into your brain without you having to DO anything.
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TurboTongue Is The Secret To Your Language Learning Success

It's the difference between the 10,000 things people try that don't work, and the .0002% that do.

Other Methods

Require focus

Press lots of buttons

Slow and take forever




Fast and Easy


Opposite of Frustration


Do You Like Feeling The Opposite Of Frustration?

Then Sign Up For TurboTongue's Free Trial Today!

Get Started in Less Than 60 Seconds - Cancel Anytime
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TurboTongue Pours Syntax Into Your Brain.

TurboTongue's Passive Immersion system was designed with doctors of linguistics and anthropology to mimic the way we acquire our first language.

Grammar and vocabulary are woven into sentences lists like a mosaic, and then played continuously so your mind can absorb the language even when you're busy.


TurboTongue helps people who struggle with slow and difficult programs to easily integrate immersion into their daily routine allowing you to quickly jump from zero to meaningful communication.

But That's Not All TurboTongue Does...

TurboTongue Gives You Everything You Need To Strengthen Your Skills, And Then Cement It All By Actually Speaking 

All In One Convenient Spot!

Get Started in Less Than 60 Seconds - Cancel Anytime

TurboTongue Is...

A Fast Flashcard App

Learning a language used to be a pain. What would normally take forever to learn can now be done in a matter of weeks!

With TurboTongue Flashcards you can...

Experience lightning-fast text and audio sentences, which means you can learn up to 20x faster.

Learn hands-free while you cook, relax, or even while working out   accelerating your progress over time.

Dozens of settings and lists so you can learn as fast or slow as you wish.

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TurboTongue Is...

Short Stories

Reading short stories helps strengthen words and grammar by seeing them in different contexts. It's a great way to practice at your own pace.  

With TurboTongue Stories you can...

See words in different forms and contexts while having enough time to understand their meaning.

Guess or look up vocabulary you don't understand so you continue to learn.

Begin actually using your new language skills in a productive and enjoyable way.


TurboTongue Is...

Speaking to Tutors

The next phase in your language learning journey is actually using it with native speakers. Speaking allows you to deepen your skills and comprehension.

With TurboTongue Tutors you can...

Practice speaking in a casual way, so you can enjoy yourself while you're learning

Get tips from a native speaker, build confidence, and learn how to speak more naturally.

Tutors are a great way to immerse yourself, make friends, and prepare for an upcoming trip.

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TurboTongue Is...


Get reminders from a real person to help keep you motivated. Having someone to hold you accountable to your goals can make all the difference.

With TurboTongue Micro-Coaching you can...

Get text messages and reminders from a coach who understands and cares about your goals.

Benefit from the psychological motivation of external accountability from a study buddy or coach.

Revaluate your strategy if something isn't working and get tips to improve your progress.

TurboTongue Gives You Everything You Need To Start Speaking Quickly.

- Methodology -




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DALL·E 2024-03-22 13.25.22 - A realistic and detailed concrete statue of a human brain. The statue is displayed outdoors, placed on a simple stone pedestal. The texture of the con.webp

A constant flow of text and audio introduces your mind to your new language

Reading reinforces what you are learning by seeing it in different contexts.

Speaking to native speakers helps make what you learn permanent.

Try TurboTongue Today For Free And
Experience The Amazingness For Yourself

Get Started in Less Than 60 Seconds - Cancel Anytime
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